About Derma Clinic
Derma Clinic is the leading center for Dermatology, Laser and Plastic Surgery in Saudi Arabia and the region. Founded in 1996, on a 350m2 area with two Consultant Dermatologists and four examination rooms. At the moment, the clinic occupies an area of 3,200m2, housing more than fifty clinic rooms, over twenty five physicians and a vast resource of state-of-the-art infrastructure and medical technologies. The clinic is currently a major center with global quality, heavily involved in patient care, public and professional education and research.
Derma Clinic aims at providing the highest possible healthcare in the fields of Dermatology, Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery and Laser Surgery.
Meet Our doctors

The physicians and staff of Derma Clinic are well-trained, highly skilled, and experienced dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
Plastic Surgery:
This field of medicine is continuously advancing, allowing us to provide many solutions that will enhance the functionality and appearance of our bodies.
Skin Care:
Derma Clinic not only has some of the most qualified dermatologists who treat medical skin conditions and also help rejuvenate the aesthetic aspects of the skin.
Laser Procedures:
Laser procedures can be successful only in the hands of experts in the techniques and under the direction of knowledgeable physicians and trained staff
Hair Transplant:
Our physicians are available to assess, advise, and help you implement your options for Hair Transplant surgery.
Laser Procedures
Plastic Surgery
Hair Transplant
Skin Care
Our Loyalty Program
Teacher's Program
Healthcare PROGRAM


Ministry of Labor
Banker's Program


Saudia Airlines

Ministry of Media

King Faisal Specialist Hospital

Ministry of National Guard
Teacher's Program
Healthcare PROGRAM
Banker's Program



Ministry of Labor

Saudia Airlines

Ministry of Media

King Faisal Specialist Hospital

Ministry of National Guard
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One of the best in the city.
Edwin Thuku
عیادات متكاملة ونظیفة ومریحة ، قسم اللیزر یجنن.
Hela Saleh
االله یبیض وجه الدكتور عبداالله العیسى بفضل االله ثم فضله تعافیت من اكزیما معي من فترة طویلة االله یرزقه الجنة.
Ahmad Alarabi
عيادة جدا جميلة وأسعارهم ممكن مرتفعة قليلا لكن النتيجة مضمونة ، مكان نظيف وهادئ ومرتب وتعاملهم جدا دائع ويتوفر لديهم رسائل تذكير مواعيد.
شهد العنزي
انصدمت من كمیة التعلیقات السلبیة ! لي سنوات مع المركز صحیح غالي لكن یسوى وتسلمین بشرتك لهم وانتي “مطمئنة” أحب أشكر الإخصائیة ماري على تنظیفها بشغلها.
Maram M
تجربتي مع الدكتور عبداالله العیسى، بنتي كانت تعاني من اكزیما شدیدة والحمدالله بفضل االله ثم الدكتور راحت الاكزیما، یعیبه السعر المرتفع
R Sh
العیادات أكملت ٢٥عام ماشاءاالله ومجهودهم في توعیة وتثقیف المجتمع واضحة وجبارة وبالذات الدكتور احمد العیسى االله یجزاه خیر ، خیر مثال على الطبیب السعودي الواعي والفاهم والمحب لتخصصه.
Salman bin Mohammed
معاملة العمیل ممتازه ولایوجد تأخیر والدكتور ممتاز جدا
Read banes
عنایة ممتازة واستقبال ممتاز .